28th Season (January 2023 – December 2023)
- CLUE directed by Clair Williamson (January 2023)
GASLIGHT directed by Felicia Sykes (March 2023)
- STORIES UNDER THE BIG TOP directed by Kathryn Johnson(RCP at RCP Workshop) (Spring 2023 -1st – 4th grade) (April 2023)
- ORDER UP directed by Kathryn Johnson (RCP at RCP Workshop) (Spring 2023 -5th – 8th grade) (April 2023)
THE WIZARD OF OZ directed by Felicia Sykes (May 2023)
- LITTLE MERMAID JR. (Children’s Summer Musical) directed by Kathryn Johnson (June 2023)
- GUYS & DOLLS JR. (STAR Players) directed by Lloyd Turney (July 2023)
- GUYS & DOLLS JR. (RCP Teen Theatre) directed by Anthony Pound (July 2023)
NUNSENSE directed by Darlene Singleton (September 2023)
IT’S THE GREAT PUMPKIN CHARLIE BROWN directed by Kathryn Johnson and Annise Turner (RCP at RCP Workshop) (Fall 2023 – 1st-4th % 5th-8th grade) (October 2023)
ELF THE MUSICAL directed by Clair Williamson (November 2022)