Directed by Krysteena Segovis
Assisted by Kathryn Johnson & Tina McFadin
Choreography by Rebekah Robertson
Produced by Darlene Singleton
We are excited to have you auditioning for Aladdin Jr. at RCP. Before you sign up, please review the audition requirements below. We would like to begin auditions promptly at 2:00 pm. If you have a scheduling conflict, please contact Tina McFadin at rockwallcommunityplayhouse@gmail.com. Everyone should expect to stay for the entire audition process unless specifically released. We hope to conclude no later than 5:00 pm. There is no fee to audition. Tuition ($195) is due upon casting and acceptance of your role.
- Please choose one pre-cut selection from the song options below. The vocal tracks, karaoke tracks, and sheet music are provided for you. You are welcome to prepare more than one song, but be sure to pick a favorite. Everyone will get to sing at least once, but we cannot guarantee multiple songs for all. If time allows you may be asked to sing your second choice. You can write your top-choice roles on your audition form.
- Be prepared to read scenes from the script. Copies of the audition sides are posted below. Please read through all of them, you never know what you might be asked to read.
- Please dress presentably, but in clothes that do not restrict movement. We will learn a short choreography step together. Closed-toe shoes are required. Leggings or shorts are required under dresses/skirts.
- Please compare our rehearsal calendar with your summer plans. Write down any known conflicts on your audition form. Aladdin Jr Calendar
- Please complete the online audition form before Saturday, May 21. If you do not have access to this, a paper form will be provided at the theater, but the online form is preferred.
Available Roles: Aladdin Jr Roles-RCP
Song Selections:
**We will be using the karaoke tracks for auditions.**
- Ensemble, Sultan, crowd solo parts: “Arabian Nights.”
- Please sing the melody only.
- With Vocals Karaoke Track Sheet Music
- Aladdin/Jasmine: “A Whole New World.”
- With Vocals Karaoke Track Aladdin’s Sheet Music Jasmine’s Sheet Music
- **Those auditioning for Aladdin and Jasmine may be asked to sing “A Whole New World” together.**
- Omar, Babkak, Kassim: “Babkak, Omar, Aladdin, Kassim.”
- Please sing the whole section as a solo.
- With Vocals Karaoke Track Sheet Music
- Rajah, Manal, Isir: “These Palace Walls.”
- Jafar or Iago: “Prince Ali Reprise.”
- Please sing the whole section as a solo.
- With Vocals Karaoke Track Sheet Music
- Genie: “Friend Like Me.” You may sing up the octave if needed.